Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The Dot Game

The Dot Game is very simple once you get the hang of it. Its a two player game. (in this demo playerone is red and player two is blue. But in the actual game you
do not need diffrent colors) The object of the game is to make more little boxes the your opponent.
First draw out some dots. However many you want so long as it forms a square or a rectangle. (For refrence look at picture to the left)

Player one will make the first line. Connecting two dots. It can be placed anywhere. Then player two will place a line. Again it can be anywhere. The only ilegal move is a diagnal line. A line cannot be erased after it is drawn.
Continue taking turns drawing lines.
Eventually you'll come to something like whats in the pink circle. Its very good when you find one of those. Since its the red persons turn he'll make the final line and put his initial in it. Thus getting one point. After making a box you get to draw another line. The winner is the one with the most boxes at the end of the game. If you have any questions please leave a comment and I'll get back to you. ^_^ Its not as boring as it sounds. Its really fun once you get going.