Thursday, October 30, 2008

Isnt she pretty? Well I LOVE her hair cut!! I want it, down to the color. Though I might had some different color highlights. (I have these faux hair pink things in my hair right now and have been getting compliments all day.Come to think of it my clothes, face, and hair have been getting complimented today...It was a good day -^^-). I just wish I had a better picture. One with a side and back view.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

When dark creeps in and eats the light,
Bury your fears on Sorry Night.
For in the winter's blackest hours
Comes the feasting of the Vours.
No one can see it, the life they stole,
Your body's here but not your soul...

So I just finished reading The Devouring by Simon Holt. Not a long book, only about 231 pages. Its about this girl Regina, her friend Aaron, and her little brother Henry. Regina finds a journal, of a woman whose clearly gone insane, in the back room of the book store she works at. It talks about creatures called Vours as if they were real. Her and Aaron decide to make a game out of it, challenging the vours to come and get them.
The day after their little game her brother, Henry, starts acting strange.
lol, I cant really say anything else without giving somthing away or confusing you. Anywho, the book isnt my favorite, but i still liked it. Some parts are a tad predictable and the ending left off where it could have kept going. You can start and stop this book swithout getting lost, but I wouldnt advise stopping in the middle of a chapter just in case.
I do recommend this book. But if your looking for a horror novel, this isnt it. For a book all about fear, I didnt get any chills from it.